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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 167 : Industry - Wise Deployment of Bank Credit
(₹ Crore)
Sr. No. Industry Outstanding as on
Jun 18, 2021 Jul 30, 2021 Aug 27, 2021 Sep 24, 2021 Oct 22, 2021 Nov 19, 2021
2.1 Mining and Quarrying (incl. Coal) 44817 45736 48620 47395 48608 49693
2.2 Food Processing 154050 153923 142546 142557 142348 142477
2.2.1 Sugar 23948 21953 19112 18230 17492 16616
2.2.2 Edible Oils and Vanaspati 17287 16399 16835 16562 16344 15854
2.2.3 Tea 5318 5266 4422 4569 4814 4687
2.2.4 Others 107497 110305 102177 103195 103699 105320
2.3 Beverage and Tobacco 17064 16558 14427 14895 15036 14485
2.4 Textiles 207377 206106 195551 194506 196879 198072
2.4.1 Cotton Textiles 83889 81791 79501 78513 79511 80508
2.4.2 Jute Textiles 2458 2593 2405 2413 2502 2549
2.4.3 Man-Made Textiles 35633 37299 37465 37624 37576 37037
2.4.4 Other Textiles 85397 84423 76180 75956 77289 77979
2.5 Leather and Leather Products 10782 10862 10387 10377 10505 10300
2.6 Wood and Wood Products 15281 15270 14398 14321 14429 14300
2.7 Paper and Paper Products 38240 38499 36972 37189 37922 37929
2.8 Petroleum, Coal Products and Nuclear Fuels 81630 87087 77649 82784 85164 87168
2.9 Chemicals and Chemical Products 179974 174987 163561 166818 169537 173333
2.9.1 Fertiliser 32507 26911 24984 26976 27266 29307
2.9.2 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals 52520 52662 48047 49076 50506 51073
2.9.3 Petro Chemicals 24607 24459 22813 22000 21901 23107
2.9.4 Others 70340 70955 67717 68767 69864 69845
2.10 Rubber, Plastic and their Products 57615 60067 57917 59369 61491 61350
2.11 Glass and Glassware 6175 6163 5676 5685 5578 5580
2.12 Cement and Cement Products 53777 48434 46945 46900 46394 44653
2.13 Basic Metal and Metal Product 290866 283855 275776 270048 267861 265506
2.13.1 Iron and Steel 199413 193359 189209 182357 179395 177489
2.13.2 Other Metal and Metal Product 91453 90497 86567 87690 88467 88017
2.14 All Engineering 150236 148758 143162 144480 146860 148603
2.14.1 Electronics 34179 34001 33238 33687 36584 36452
2.14.2 Others 116057 114757 109924 110792 110275 112151
2.15 Vehicles, Vehicle Parts and Transport Equipment 85050 88437 81473 81846 79716 81779
2.16 Gems and Jewellery 71087 71901 67572 68663 69381 69520
2.17 Construction 119946 120777 109409 107075 106729 106625
2.18 Infrastructure 1105817 1093502 1063529 1068129 1096247 1101678
2.18.1 Power 570921 571749 558768 565308 580389 574119
2.18.2 Telecommunications 116653 115859 106740 107818 106761 105613
2.18.3 Roads 236232 240119 234661 238254 240964 244054
2.18.4 Airports 9689 7420 7479 7541 7592 7570
2.18.5 Ports 10373 11430 8802 8904 7604 7547
2.18.6 Railways (other than Indian Railways) 12532 12916 12917 12901 12677 13790
2.18.7 Other Infrastructure 149416 134010 134161 127403 140260 148986
2.19 Other Industries 204277 209703 194224 198573 204234 202373
  Industries (2.1 to 2.19) 2894061 2880627 2749793 2761611 2804921 2815424

(₹ Crore)
Sr. No. Industry Outstanding as on
Dec 31, 2021 Jan 28, 2022 Feb 25, 2022 Mar 25, 2022 Apr 22, 2022 May 20, 2022 Jun 17, 2022
2.1 Mining and Quarrying (incl. Coal) 48371 44405 49739 49038 47577 46986 48459
2.2 Food Processing 160744 162761 168420 173243 174817 174697 175631
2.2.1 Sugar 20578 21763 23874 26307 26377 25399 24107
2.2.2 Edible Oils and Vanaspati 17612 16769 17450 18246 17510 17739 18321
2.2.3 Tea 4910 4878 5481 5728 5948 6094 6382
2.2.4 Others 117644 119351 121615 122962 124983 125465 126820
2.3 Beverage and Tobacco 15686 16570 17854 18176 18057 17777 17471
2.4 Textiles 207312 213994 222590 223508 222753 219503 218393
2.4.1 Cotton Textiles 85748 87801 91308 90189 88829 87674 86492
2.4.2 Jute Textiles 2809 2842 3359 3509 3519 3567 3582
2.4.3 Man-Made Textiles 37954 37620 37339 38354 38288 38396 38363
2.4.4 Other Textiles 80801 85731 90584 91456 92117 89866 89955
2.5 Leather and Leather Products 10709 11020 11416 11481 11460 11427 11349
2.6 Wood and Wood Products 14988 15527 16250 16248 16435 16510 16658
2.7 Paper and Paper Products 38792 39191 40535 40073 40735 40356 40885
2.8 Petroleum, Coal Products and Nuclear Fuels 104986 89989 97961 107242 103748 104717 102685
2.9 Chemicals and Chemical Products 178563 178928 185569 196179 204569 208697 207155
2.9.1 Fertiliser 30000 27175 28814 33160 34740 37820 34780
2.9.2 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals 53387 55227 58663 61093 63348 62557 63009
2.9.3 Petro Chemicals 21589 20388 19357 19622 21212 21555 20896
2.9.4 Others 73587 76139 78735 82303 85269 86765 88470
2.10 Rubber, Plastic and their Products 64592 67605 70662 71915 71893 71290 72228
2.11 Glass and Glassware 5555 5719 5765 5948 5806 5768 5916
2.12 Cement and Cement Products 45092 45886 48483 47912 46956 47880 48310
2.13 Basic Metal and Metal Product 267294 270091 284724 288395 287518 291957 292613
2.13.1 Iron and Steel 172823 173765 188068 187443 185152 187713 187121
2.13.2 Other Metal and Metal Product 94471 96326 96656 100952 102366 104244 105492
2.14 All Engineering 151037 156106 164375 167680 167044 168674 166937
2.14.1 Electronics 36189 36550 38238 38180 38775 38445 39191
2.14.2 Others 114847 119556 126137 129500 128269 130229 127746
2.15 Vehicles, Vehicle Parts and Transport Equipment 80045 84165 88305 89688 90291 91247 91996
2.16 Gems and Jewellery 66674 73224 78249 80411 77913 72009 73082
2.17 Construction 105519 109499 117357 117625 112720 114427 117986
2.18 Infrastructure 1107723 1143114 1178134 1193965 1197649 1201605 1211341
2.18.1 Power 582116 586494 602727 610815 614385 615508 620478
2.18.2 Telecommunications 108161 121681 126315 130349 130129 129261 131922
2.18.3 Roads 244789 260108 263991 269896 271260 275426 278364
2.18.4 Airports 7510 6459 6638 6646 8423 6767 6793
2.18.5 Ports 7243 7086 8803 8886 9112 7938 7954
2.18.6 Railways (other than Indian Railways) 10079 10161 13954 10512 11484 11382 11494
2.18.7 Other Infrastructure 147826 151126 155705 156861 152857 155323 154335
2.19 Other Industries 219499 237617 248597 253724 250937 259922 249073
  Industries (2.1 to 2.19) 2893180 2965411 3094987 3152449 3148879 3165450 3168168
Notes: 1: Data are provisional.
2: With effect from January 2021, sectoral credit data are based on a revised format with some additional items due to which values and growth rates of some of the existing components published earlier have undergone some changes.
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
Also see Notes on Tables.
