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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 182 : Monthly and Annual Averages of BSE Sensitive Index (Base : 1978-79 = 100)
Year/ Month Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Annual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2017-18 29695.83 30420.07 31144.68 31879.61 31772.23 31887.12 32397.64 33395.14 33424.40 34989.42 34287.04 33323.32 32396.83
2018-19 34145.68 35079.56 35405.14 36406.38 38061.53 37397.50 34518.84 35298.95 35868.71 36053.00 36138.34 37634.96 36242.92
2019-20 38861.48 38574.60 39538.37 38649.97 37149.35 37545.06 38741.85 40513.09 41054.45 41360.95 40674.32 32254.45 38756.70
2020-21 30966.01 31294.25 34262.88 37030.64 38346.59 38378.98 40115.39 43011.38 46211.84 48580.33 50782.82 50100.65 40826.39
2021-22 48877.90 49822.90 52399.70 52694.25 55237.51 58780.95 60421.92 59416.48 57663.12 59586.75 57697.50 56404.37 55774.58
2022-23 58165.86 54436.66 53478.91 54684.80                  
Note : The averages are based on daily BSE Sensex closing index.
Source : BSE Ltd.
