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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 185 : Market Capitalisation - BSE
(₹ Crore)
Year/ Month (end-period) Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2017-18 12484975 12580119 12596812 13262246 13189763 13181353 14391546 14596656 15173867 15320978 14765583 14224997
2018-19 15279535 14869671 14501942 15314574 15934696 14486402 13845109 14288776 14448466 14099330 14041530 15108711
2019-20 15254028 15438015 15197087 14147125 14098452 14717456 15409068 15475077 15553829 15650982 14687010 11348757
2020-21 12941621 12706529 13915690 14739116 15376303 15524267 15792250 17414860 18803519 18612644 20081096 20430815
2021-22 20702706 22299810 22977769 23549749 25002084 25986747 25920458 25717228 26600212 26441207 25239045 26406501
2022-23 26697882 25778368 24373733 26658604                
Note : Compilation of all-India market capitalisation has been discontinued by BSE Ltd (BSE) since August 1999.
Source : BSE Ltd.
