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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 186 : Market Capitalisation - NSE
(₹ Crore)
Year/ Month (end-period) Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2017-18 12303875 12416789 12430129 13121441 13055208 13045716 14208617 14392501 14982296 15140453 14564091 14044152
2018-19 15092002 14693260 14329072 15128449 15730918 14292302 13693825 14122535 14279083 13916643 13871449 14934227
2019-20 15043276 15254361 15031415 14005417 13976168 14573003 15247730 15315478 15431967 15517107 14552074 11243112
2020-21 12738626 12516960 13804601 14629659 15234207 15304722 15587903 17271314 18646769 18474450 19963826 20295813
2021-22 20556971 22151945 22814761 23355719 24828178 25806565 25737783 25537038 26402579 26219159 25053581 26181064
2022-23 26459285 25568863 24203324 26470031                
Source : National Stock Exchange Ltd. (NSE).
