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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 189 : India’s Foreign Trade - US Dollar
(US $ Million)
Month 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
April 26037.7 42387.3 -16349.6 10159.8 17083.4 -6923.6 30750.6 46044.0 -15293.4 39725.3 60291.3 -20566.1
May 29849.7 46683.4 -16833.6 19193.6 22853.8 -3660.3 32299.0 38834.6 -6535.6 39069.0 63287.6 -24218.6
June 25027.3 41032.5 -16005.1 21971.7 21319.7 652.0 32493.0 42098.3 -9605.3 42373.1 66581.7 -24208.6
July 26231.6 40430.6 -14199.0 23729.3 28477.6 -4748.4 35512.8 46147.0 -10634.2 36274.1 66272.8 -29998.7
August 25987.9 39852.1 -13864.1 22810.3 29473.9 -6663.5 33380.7 45092.9 -11712.1 - - -
September 26013.7 37694.8 -11681.1 27569.2 30306.8 -2737.5 33814.6 56286.4 -22471.8 - - -
October 26212.4 37986.4 -11774.0 24920.4 34073.8 -9153.4 35727.7 53638.2 -17910.5 - - -
November 25744.5 38523.2 -12778.8 23619.9 33812.3 -10192.3 31795.0 53025.1 -21230.0 - - -
December 27096.1 39594.1 -12498.1 27216.3 42934.5 -15718.3 39270.2 60329.8 -21059.6 - - -
January 25853.3 41149.5 -15296.2 27538.3 42030.1 -14491.8 35233.0 52566.1 -17333.1 - - -
February 27742.8 37904.5 -10161.7 27633.3 40748.7 -13115.4 37154.0 55898.4 -18744.4 - - -
March 21490.7 31470.9 -9980.2 35256.6 48898.9 -13642.3 44573.7 63090.6 -18516.8 - - -
Annual 313361.0 474709.3 -161348.2 291808.5 394435.9 -102627.4 422004.4 613052.1 -191047.7 - - -
Notes: 1. Data for 2022-23 are provisional and for 2021-22 data are revised.
2. Monthly data in some cases may not add up to annual total because of data revision.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics.
