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Date : Sep 15, 2022
Table 202 : Foreign Exchange Reserves
Month SDRs Gold Foreign Currency Assets Reserve Tranche Position Total
₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million ₹ Crore US $ Million
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Mar 10076 1457 159585 23071 2665564 385357 20657 2986 2855882 412871
Apr 10150 1454 160780 23022 2730380 390966 23400 3351 2924710 418793
May 10070 1443 160260 22959 2751290 394135 23250 3331 2944870 421868
Jun 10040 1456 167500 24305 2761640 400715 23170 3362 2962350 429837
Jul 9915 1441 175510 25505 2740411 398239 25033 3636 2950869 428820
Aug 10231 1432 195371 27339 2829676 395962 25954 3617 3061232 428349
Sep 10108 1427 188713 26650 2846804 402026 25471 3604 3071096 433707
Oct 10223 1440 191718 27012 2931402 413015 25817 3646 3159160 445113
Nov 10299 1436 191887 26749 3008961 419445 26028 3629 3237176 451259
Dec 10317 1446 198562 27831 3045619 426880 26419 3707 3280918 459863
Jan 10267 1439 206920 28997 3120106 437248 25852 3615 3363145 471300
Feb 10359 1435 215750 29897 3220843 446318 26028 3606 3472979 481256
Mar 10800 1433 230527 30578 3333815 442213 27013 3583 3602155 477807
Apr 10705 1426 242360 32277 3328720 443316 30489 4059 3612274 481078
May 10877 1438 248765 32898 3441105 455065 31449 4158 3732197 493560
Jun 10923 1447 256021 33905 3517514 465833 34112 4516 3818570 505702
Jul 11036 1475 281463 37625 3671792 490829 34688 4639 3998979 534568
Aug 10947 1487 278601 37848 3672340 498887 34283 4658 3996171 542881
Sep 10886 1475 268776 36429 3705027 502162 34103 4621 4018792 544687
Oct 10968 1480 270411 36490 3835630 517586 34283 4634 4151292 560191
Nov 11069 1494 260651 35192 3951006 533455 34532 4679 4257257 574821
Dec 11035 1510 270054 36958 3961575 542157 37589 5145 4280252 585771
Jan 11022 1511 266246 36492 3992051 547154 37679 5165 4306999 590321
Feb 11145 1517 260239 35421 3986598 542615 36529 5001 4294511 584554
Mar 10864 1486 247723 33880 3924168 536693 36198 4925 4218953 576984
Apr 11168 1508 262709 35464 4045137 546059 36936 4990 4355951 588020
May 11002 1515 277988 38277 4023928 554069 36374 5016 4349293 598877
Jun 11528 1551 265716 35745 4227231 568665 38016 5113 4542492 611075
Jul 11555 1553 279543 37571 4284027 575781 38355 5156 4613479 620062
Aug 141823 19428 275493 37739 4222398 578412 37492 5125 4677206 640703
Sep 143392 19304 277731 37389 4260726 573599 37645 5070 4719494 635363
Oct 144745 19329 286577 38269 4324965 577554 39201 5242 4795487 640394
Nov 143545 19093 291543 38777 4322605 574939 38954 5188 4796646 637997
Dec 142017 19114 292779 39405 4234327 569889 38690 5207 4707812 633614
Jan 141772 18993 291763 39087 4230069 566689 38818 5178 4702422 629947
Feb 143445 19041 311418 41338 4266208 566295 39174 5189 4760246 631863
Mar 143052 18891 322213 42551 4094565 540724 38988 5143 4598819 607309
Apr 140312 18359 321811 42107 4059887 531206 38222 5001 4560233 596673
May 143143 18425 319031 41066 4184986 538691 38999 5021 4686158 603203
Jun 143761 18203 318980 40390 4150622 525556 39521 5006 4652884 589155
Notes : 1. Foreign Currency Assets exclude investment in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK),SDRs transferred by Government of India to RBI and foreign currency received under SAARC SWAP arrangement. Foreign currency assets in US dollar take into account appreciation/depreciation of non-US currencies (such as Euro, Sterling, Yen, Australian Dollar, etc.) held in reserves. Foreign exchange holdings are converted into rupees at rupee-US dollar RBI holding rates.
2. Data on SDR includes SDRs 3,082.5 Million and SDRs 12,569.56 Million allocated under general allocation done by IMF on August 28, 2009 and August 23, 2021 respectively as well as SDRs 214.6 Million allocated under special allocation done by IMF on September 9, 2009.
3. Gold data Include ₹31463 crore (US $ 6,699 Million) reflecting the purchase of 200 metric tonnes of gold from IMF on November 3, 2009.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Reserve Bank of India
