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Date : Dec 27, 2022
Appendix Table IV.5: Consolidated International Claims of Banks on Countries other than India
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Country Amount Outstanding (At end-March) Percentage Variation
2021 (PR) 2022 (PR) 2020-21 2021-22
1 2 3 4 5
Total Consolidated International Claims 6,13,794 7,29,114 6.1 18.8
Of which        
1. United States of America 1,94,023 2,46,092 24.7 26.8
  (31.6) (33.8)    
2. United Kingdom 67,652 89,813 19.0 32.8
  (11.0) (12.3)    
3. Hong Kong 35,828 30,054 67.5 -16.1
  (5.8) (4.1)    
4. Singapore 45,049 41,744 10.0 -7.3
  (7.3) (5.7)    
5. United Arab Emirates 79,446 89,522 -5.0 12.7
  (12.9) (12.3)    
6. Germany 27,116 31,090 76.6 14.7
  (4.4) (4.3)    
Notes: 1. PR: Partially Revised.
2. Figures in parentheses are percentages to total.
3. Percentage variation could be slightly different as absolute numbers have been rounded off to ₹ crore.
Source: International Banking Statistics, RBI.
