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Date : Dec 27, 2023
Appendix Table IV.4: Consolidated International Claims of Banks on Countries other than India
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Country Amount Outstanding (At end-March) Percentage Variation
2022 (PR) 2023 (P) 2021-22 2022-23
1 2 3 4 5
Total Consolidated International Claims 7,29,114 6,65,899 18.8 -8.7
Of which        
1. United States of America 2,46,092 2,29,016 26.8 -6.9
  (33.8) (34.4)    
2. United Kingdom 89,813 66,094 32.8 -26.4
  (12.3) (9.9)    
3. Hong Kong 30,054 20,468 -16.1 -31.9
  (4.1) (3.1)    
4. Singapore 41,744 46,424 -7.3 11.2
  (5.7) (7.0)    
5. United Arab Emirates 89,522 85,841 12.7 -4.1
  (12.3) (12.9)    
6. Germany 31,090 16,734 14.7 -46.2
  (4.3) (2.5)    
Notes: 1. PR: Partially Revised; P: Provisional.
2. Figures in parentheses are percentages to total.
3. Percentage variation could be slightly different as absolute numbers have been rounded off to ₹ crore.
Source : International Banking Statistics, RBI.
