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Date : Dec 27, 2023
Appendix Table IV.6: Off-Balance Sheet Exposure of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Item Public Sector Banks Private Sector Banks Foreign Banks Small Finance Banks Payments Banks Scheduled Commercial Banks
2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation 2022-23 Percentage Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Forward exchange contracts@ 36,01,191 -4.0 95,86,495 16.0 1,87,10,361 37.5 - - - - 3,18,98,047 24.5
  (25.7)   (113.5)   (1,193.5)           (131.2)  
2. Guarantees given 5,93,572 5.8 5,56,109 17.5 1,93,069 0.5 2,694 75.1 - - 13,45,444 9.5
  (4.2)   (6.6)   (12.3)   (1.0)       (5.5)  
3. Acceptances, endorsements, etc. 9,27,583 -3.8 4,81,035 9.9 5,64,789 8.0 2,242 145.6 71 121.6 19,75,720 2.6
  (6.6)   (5.7)   (36.0)   (0.8)   (0.3)   (8.1)  
Contingent Liabilities 51,22,347 -2.9 1,06,23,639 15.8 1,94,68,219 35.9 4,935 101.3 71 121.6 3,52,19,211 22.4
  (36.5)   (125.8)   (1,241.8)   (1.8)   (0.3)   (144.8)  
Notes: 1. - : Nil/Negligible.
2. Figures in brackets are percentages to total liabilities of the concerned bank-group.
3. Due to rounding off of figures, the constituent items may not add up to totals.
4. @: Includes all derivative products (including interest rate swaps) as admissible.
Source: Annual accounts of respective banks.
