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Date : Jan 24, 2024
States: Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim
Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of Village Panchayats (Contd.)
(₹ per Panchayat)
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
1 2 3 4 2 3 4
TOTAL REVENUE RECEIPTS (I+II+III) 54,34,612 45,04,213 33,76,376 17,72,652 9,04,303 5,77,145
I. Own Tax Revenue (1 - 8) 21 33 25 - - -
1 Taxes on Profession, Trades, etc. - - - - - -
2 Land Revenue 15 22 16 - - -
3 Stamps and Registration Fees - - - - - -
4 Taxes on Property other than Agriculture Land 6 11 8 - - -
5 Taxes on Vehicles - - - - - -
6 Taxes on Goods and Passengers - - - - - -
7 Service Tax - - - - - -
8 Taxes on Duties and Commodites - - - - - -
II. Own Non-Tax Revenue (1 - 15) 1,66,365 1,26,210 1,18,937 1,416 905 1,549
1 Interest Receipts 94,746 66,969 73,291 1,416 905 1,549
2 Maintenance of Community Assets 39 16 12 - - -
3 Education - - - - - -
4 Market and Fairs 779 826 1,361 - - -
5 Health and Family Welfare - - - - - -
6 Water Supply and Sanitation 32 139 71 - - -
7 Rural Housing 2 9 0 - - -
8 Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry, and Fuel and Fodder - - - - - -
9 Fisheries 201 135 167 - - -
10 Forestry 0 0 0 - - -
11 Agriculture including Agriculture Extension - - - - - -
12 Panchayati Raj Programmes 70,566 58,117 44,036 - - -
13 Minor Irrigation - - - - - -
14 Rural Electrification - - - - - -
15 Village and Small Scale Industries - - - - - -
III. Grants-in-aid (1 - 3) 52,68,226 43,77,970 32,57,414 17,71,236 9,03,398 5,75,596
1 Grants from Central Government 32,02,409 26,42,255 20,48,942 17,71,236 9,03,398 5,75,596
2 Grants from other Institutions 72,878 80,455 38,791 - - -
3 Grants from State Governemt 19,92,939 16,55,259 11,69,681 - - -
Note: -: Data are not available.
Source: Estimates based on eGramSwaraj data.

Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of Village Panchayats (Contd.)
(₹ per Panchayat)
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
1 2 3 4 2 3 4
TOTAL REVENUE RECEIPTS (I+II+III) 16,47,720 26,55,988 19,68,518 32,53,450 47,89,852 36,86,793
I. Own Tax Revenue (1 - 8) - - - 270 204 702
1 Taxes on Profession, Trades, etc. - - - 110 113 263
2 Land Revenue - - - - - -
3 Stamps and Registration Fees - - - - - -
4 Taxes on Property other than Agriculture Land - - - - - -
5 Taxes on Vehicles - - - - - -
6 Taxes on Goods and Passengers - - - - - -
7 Service Tax - - - 160 91 439
8 Taxes on Duties and Commodites - - - - - -
II. Own Non-Tax Revenue (1 - 15) 3 1 9 2,57,122 3,55,143 3,49,815
1 Interest Receipts 3 1 9 93,924 88,078 78,647
2 Maintenance of Community Assets - - - - - -
3 Education - - - - - -
4 Market and Fairs - - - - - -
5 Health and Family Welfare - - - - - -
6 Water Supply and Sanitation - - - - - -
7 Rural Housing - - - - - -
8 Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry, and Fuel and Fodder - - - - - -
9 Fisheries - - - - - -
10 Forestry - - - - - -
11 Agriculture including Agriculture Extension - - - - - -
12 Panchayati Raj Programmes - - - 1,63,197 2,67,065 2,71,168
13 Minor Irrigation - - - - - -
14 Rural Electrification - - - - - -
15 Village and Small Scale Industries - - - - - -
III. Grants-in-aid (1 - 3) 16,47,717 26,55,987 19,68,509 29,96,058 44,34,505 33,36,276
1 Grants from Central Government 16,47,586 26,55,921 19,68,418 12,72,650 16,19,156 10,58,454
2 Grants from other Institutions - - - - - -
3 Grants from State Governemt 132 65 90 17,23,408 28,15,350 22,77,822
Note: -: Data are not available.
Source: Estimates based on eGramSwaraj data.
