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Weekly Statistical Supplement

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Date : Jul 01, 2022
Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Jun. 17, 2022 Variation over
Fortnight Financial year so far Year-on-Year
2021-22 2022-23 2021 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Liabilities to the Banking System            
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks 187089 -352 -10822 -3480 -63848 2045
1.2 Borrowings from Banks 58102 12006 -205 19784 -16745 17427
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 39321 3041 387 9559 1577 21090
2 Liabilities to Others            
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 16569741 -163897 185027 104428 1431412 1271202
2.1a Growth (Per cent)   –1.0 1.2 0.6 10.3 8.3
2.1.1 Demand 1946762 -37480 -109454 -125984 299299 195023
2.1.2 Time 14622979 -126417 294481 230413 1132113 1076179
2.2 Borrowings 371342 -6637 5055 96747 -37789 122262
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 666303 2147 -81182 25455 55922 90878
3. Borrowings from Reserve Bank 94302 -540 612 2 -199871 3415
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank 912251 -1896 125557 142888 220248 153254
4.1 Cash in hand 112109 -2991 -782 26183 2579 22144
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank 800142 1096 126339 116704 217669 131110
5 Assets with the Banking System            
5.1 Balances with Other Banks 200138 4931 -2152 35897 -29940 58995
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice 16712 3816 -1245 9730 -7209 7304
5.3 Advances to Banks 24051 -1689 1431 -11751 -5882 5856
5.4 Other Assets 49947 5295 -1567 13334 -22751 24685
6 Investments 4807554 -37065 119457 78606 439591 225571
6.1a Growth (Per cent)   –0.8 2.7 1.7 10.6 4.9
6.1 Government Securities 4806817 -37077 118949 78639 439260 226237
6.2 Other Approved Securities 736 12 508 -32 330 -666
7 Bank Credit* 12149034 7999 -107657 257720 596175 1412451
7.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.1 –1.0 2.2 5.8 13.2
7a.1 Food Credit 43559 -5069 25658 -11452 -2377 -43353
7a.2 Non-food credit 12105475 13068 -133315 269172 598551 1455804
7b.1 Loans, Cash credit and Overdrafts 11915882 8431 -92828 264545 582866 1377488
7b.2 Inland Bills - Purchased 33553 252 -1032 -2502 8054 4054
7b.3 Discounted 150924 -2934 -12590 -3288 -9654 35630
7b.4 Foreign Bills - Purchased 18416 -327 -1713 -741 4393 -265
7b.5 Discounted 30259 2577 506 -295 10516 -4457
*Bank credit growth and related variations for all fortnights since December 3, 2021 are adjusted for past reporting errors by select scheduled commercial banks (SCBs).
