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Editorial Committee
Chairman : Deepak Mohanty
Members : M. G. Mahalingam
  Meena Hemchandra
  Janak Raj
  B. M. Misra
  A. S. Ramasastri
  O. P. Mall
  Rajeev Jain

The objective of the Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers is to publish high quality research produced by the staff of the Reserve Bank of India on a broad array of issues of interest to a large audience including academics and policy makers. The papers selected for publications are subject to intense review by internal and external referees. The views expressed in the articles, notes and reviews published in this journal are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Editorial Committee or of the Reserve Bank of India. Moreover, the responsibility for the accuracy of statements contained in the contributions rests with the author(s).

© Reserve Bank of India 2011

All rights reserved. Reproduction is permitted provided an acknowledgement of the source is made.

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Inland : Rs. 160 (inclusive of postage)
Foreign : US $ 11 (inclusive of air mail courier charges)

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Dissemination (Sales Section),
Department of Economic and Policy Research,
Reserve Bank of India,
Amar Building (Ground Floor),
Post Box No. 1036,
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All other correspondence may be addressed to the Editorial Committee, Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers, Department of Economic and Policy Research, Reserve Bank of India, Post Box No. 1036, Mumbai-400 001; Email.
