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Corrigendum to combined Advertisement for the posts of (i) Research Officers in Gr. ‘B’ for DEPR (ii) Research Officers in Gr. ‘B’ for DSIM (iii) Rajbhasha Officer in Grade ‘A’ (iv) Manager (Technical-Civil) in Gr. ‘B’ and (v) Manager (Technical-Electrical) in Gr. ‘B’

Corrigendum to Advertisement No. 3A/2012-13 that appears in Employment News in issue dated May 18-24, 2013

Below the table indicating the number of posts for various categories the description against *, ** and *** will get replaced as under:

*The following sub categories under the Persons with Disability (PWD) category who are eligible can also apply:

(i) Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) candidates with One Arm Affected (OA)/ One Leg Affected (OL) / Both legs affected but not arms(BL).
(ii) Hearing Impaired (HI) candidates who are Partially Deaf (PD) / Deaf (D).
(iii) Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates who are Blind (B) / Low Vision (LV).

**The following sub categories under the Persons with Disability (PWD) category who are eligible can also apply:

(i) Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) candidates with One Arm Affected (OA)/ One Leg Affected (OL) / Both legs affected but not arms (BL).
(ii) Hearing Impaired (HI) candidates who are Partially Deaf (PD).

Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates are not suitable for these posts and thus not eligible to apply.

***The following sub categories under the Persons with Disability (PWD) category who are eligible can also apply:

(i) Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) candidates with One Leg Affected ( OL).
(ii) Hearing Impaired (HI) candidates who are Partially Deaf (PD).

Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates are not suitable for the post and thus not eligible to apply.
