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Art Competition for Fine Art Students
Last date for submission of entries extended to September 30, 2024 and the Display, Evaluation and award function would now be held in the 3rd week of October 2024.

Reserve Bank of India, the Central Bank of the country, entered its 90th year on April 01, 2024. As part of various events being conducted by RBI this year, the Bank is organising an art competition for registered Fine Arts colleges/ institutions in India, subject to terms and conditions. These institutes are invited to submit their entry, i.e., an artwork from an undergraduate student pursing studies in fine arts from their college as on April 01, 2024. The last date for submission of entries is September 30, 2024.

2. Upto 15 artworks would be selected from amongst the entries received. The institute as also the student (whose artwork is submitted as an entry) related to the selected entry would be felicitated and awarded i.e., a digital device for the institute and cash award of ₹1 lakh for the student. All the selected art works and related copyright would be the property of the Reserve Bank of India and going forward the same may be used by the Bank, as considered fit.

Chief General Manager

Art Competition for Fine Art Students – Terms and Conditions

1. The competition is open only to registered institutes/colleges dedicated to Fine Arts or Faculties of Fine Arts (in case of universities), who may submit an artwork made by a fulltime undergraduate student enrolled with the college for a course in fine arts as on April 01, 2024. The student should be of Indian nationality.

2. Theme: The entry submitted should be an original artwork inspired from Indian Art forms on any of the following three themes:

  1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

  2. RBI and its contributions to India

  3. RBI and Innovation

3. Medium and format:

  1. The artwork should be of the dimension 16.5” (length) by 11.7” (width). While upto 10% variation in size is permissible; however, the aspect ratio is required to be maintained.

  2. The artwork, in horizontal composition, may be on paper (any kind of paper may be used).

  3. The artwork may be made using any of the following (in combination or by themselves): charcoal / pencil / graphite / paints (acrylic, water colour, oil)

4. Submission process and specifications:

  1. Scanned image of the artwork (in pdf/ jpeg/ jpg format) in 300 dpi and size less than 35 MB may be sent to by September 30, 2024.

  2. The entry should be accompanied with a profile of the student-artist who has created the artwork and technical specifications/details of the artwork in 400-500 words (write up should be by the artist/student in English/ Hindi only) in pdf and Microsoft word.

  3. The entry should be certified by the institute as per enclosed format. Individual entries submitted by students directly to RBI will not be accepted.

  4. The original entries (fulfilling eligibility criteria) would need to be submitted at New Delhi in the 3rd week of October 2024, at which time they would be displayed and selection made by a jury panel appointed by RBI. The date and venue for display of entries would be intimated in due course.

5. Evaluation:

  1. The original entries would be displayed by the Bank at a venue in New Delhi.

  2. The entries would be evaluated by a panel of judges based on creative expression of theme, overall quality and visual appeal.

  3. Upto 15 entries would be selected and awarded. All valid entries received would be given participation certificates and mementoes.

  4. The decision of the judges would be final and no representation or application against the same would be entertained by the Bank.

6. Disqualification: The Bank may, at its discretion, disqualify an entry under any of the following circumstances and the decision of the Bank would be final in this regard and no correspondence on the same will be entertained:

  1. Entry received after September 30, 2024.

  2. Entry received without necessary certification by institute.

  3. Entry not meeting the specifications (medium, format and size) stipulated.

  4. Original entry being different/altered from the e-copy submitted.

  5. Entry having any political or religious depictions/inferences.

  6. Any other reason due to which the entry is considered inappropriate for being displayed/ included in the competition.

7. In case of all entries called for being displayed at Delhi, the arrangements for travel to Delhi and accommodation at Delhi for the student-artist submitting the artwork and one representative from the submitting institute, would be arranged by the Bank.

8. Reserve Bank of India reserves the right to cancel the competition at any stage without giving any reason and the same will not be subject to individual communication to participants/ notice requirements. The information in this regard would be disseminated through the RBI website (

Note: It is also informed that in case of a female student-artist whose art work is selected and submitted by a college/institution as entry into the competition, one parent/guardian of the student may be permitted to accompany the student in addition to the representative from the institute; arrangements for travel and accommodation at New Delhi for the guardian/parent would be made by RBI.
