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Non Banking Financial Companies(NBFCs)

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Constitution of Special Investigating Team – sharing of information

DNBS(PD).CC.No 404/03.10.42/2014-15

August 1, 2014

All Non-Banking Financial Companies

Dear Sirs,

Constitution of Special Investigating Team – sharing of information

In pursuance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated July 4, 2011, Government of India has constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Justice M.B. Shah. In this regard, the Hon’ble Supreme Court had directed that:

“All organs agencies, departments and agents of the State, whether at the level of the Union of India, or the State Government, including but not limited to all statutorily formed individual bodies, and other constitutional bodies extend all the cooperation necessary for the functioning of the Special Investigation Team.

The Union of India and where needed the State Government will facilitate the conduct of the investigations, in their fullest measures, by the Special Investigation Team and functioning, by extending all necessary financial, material, legal, diplomatic and intelligence resources, whether such investigations or portions of such investigations occur inside the country or abroad.”

2. In view of above all NBFCs are advised to ensure that information/documents required by the SIT are made available as and when required.

Yours faithfully,

(A. Mangalagiri)
General Manager
