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Date : Aug 23, 2024
Reserve Bank of India – Bulletin Weekly Statistical Supplement – Extract
1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets*
(₹ Crore)
Item 2023 2024 Variation
Aug. 18 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Week Year
1 2 3 4 5
4 Loans and Advances          
4.1 Central Government 0 0 0 0 0
4.2 State Governments 15343 32993 26767 -6227 11424
* Data are provisional; difference, if any, is due to rounding off.

2. Foreign Exchange Reserves*
Item As on Aug. 16, 2024 Variation over
Week End-March 2024 Year
₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Total Reserves 5664078 674664 38148 4546 272822 28245 720331 79776
1.1 Foreign Currency Assets # 4966459 591569 30266 3609 204614 20619 580347 63783
1.2 Gold 504594 60104 7256 865 65275 7429 140398 16279
1.3 SDRs 153983 18341 499 60 2759 209 2690 136
1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF 39042 4650 127 12 173 -12 -3105 -422
* Difference, if any, is due to rounding off.
# Excludes (a) SDR holdings of the Reserve Bank, as they are included under the SDR holdings; (b) investment in bonds issued by IIFC (UK); and (c) amounts lent under the SAARC and ACU currency swap arrangements.

4. Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Aug. 9, 2024 Variation over
Fortnight Financial year so far Year-on-Year
2023-24 2024-25 2023 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Liabilities to Others            
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 21328461 134751 1194012 853235 2289247 2090536
  (21247798)   (1045530)   (2140766) (2158354)
2.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.6 6.6 4.2 13.5 10.9
      (5.8)   (12.6) (11.3)
2.1.1 Demand 2413376 -30844 1639 -30477 206260 231306
2.1.2 Time 18915085 165595 1192372 883712 2082987 1859230
2.2 Borrowings 850641 -84549 352034 72698 320053 53278
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 910316 11431 68558 -27112 200009 52107
7 Bank Credit 16881262 67327 1185557 449098 2435074 2020470
  (16392648)   (582260)   (1831777) (2135153)
7.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.4 8.7 2.7 19.6 13.6
      (4.3)   (14.7) (15.0)
7a.1 Food Credit 27931 -259 24 4850 -12167 8001
7a.2 Non-food Credit 16853330 67586 1185532 444247 2447241 2012469
1. Data since July 14, 2023 include the impact of the merger of a non-bank with a bank.
2. Figures in parentheses exclude the impact of the merger.

6. Money Stock: Components and Sources
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Variation over
2024 Fortnight Financial Year so far Year-on-Year
2023-24 2024-25 2023 2024
Mar. 31 Aug. 9 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
M3 24831384 25727224 137235 0.5 986382 4.4 895839 3.6 2294295 10.9 2397081 10.3
  (24939627) (25807887) (134697) (0.5)     (868261) (3.5)     (2329263) (9.9)
1 Components (1.1.+1.2+1.3+1.4)                        
1.1 Currency with the Public 3410042 3424802 -822 0 -61433 -1.9 14760 0.4 122880 4.0 209799 6.5
1.2 Demand Deposits with Banks 2586888 2556562 -30851 -1.2 -18 0 -30326 -1.2 204053 9.6 235982 10.2
1.3 Time Deposits with Banks 18739918 19653158 167432 0.9 1053763 6.3 913240 4.9 1952480 12.4 1930429 10.9
  (18848160) (19733821) (164893) (0.8)     (885661) (4.7)     (1862611) (10.4)
1.4 ‘Other’ Deposits with Reserve Bank 94536 92702 1477 1.6 -5930 -7.6 -1834 -1.9 14883 26.1 20870 29.1
2 Sources (2.1+2.2+2.3+2.4-2.5)                        
2.1 Net Bank Credit to Government 7512016 7674120 61259 0.8 188857 2.6 162104 2.2 840623 12.9 319730 4.3
  (7603571) (7739034) (60821) (0.8)     (135463) (1.8)     (271981) (3.6)
2.1.1 Reserve Bank 1193213 1107752 46842   -198937   -85461   112074   -144437  
2.1.2 Other Banks 6318803 6566368 14417 0.2 387794 6.8 247565 3.9 728549 13.6 464167 7.6
  (6410358) (6631282) (13979) (0.2)     (220924) (3.4)     (416418) (6.7)
2.2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector 16672145 17156415 72233 0.4 565835 3.9 484270 2.9 1829756 13.9 2160944 14.4
  (17202832) (17645028) (67210) (0.4)     (442196) (2.6)     (2046260) (13.1)
2.2.1 Reserve Bank 14406 10439 -495   -22436   -3967   -21697   6327  
2.2.2 Other Banks 16657739 17145975 72729 0.4 588271 4.1 488236 2.9 1851453 14.1 2154617 14.4
  (17188425) (17634588) (67706) (0.4)     (446163) (2.6)     (2039934) (13.1)
Note: Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with a bank.

8. Liquidity Operations by RBI
(₹ Crore)
Date Liquidity Adjustment Facility Standing Liquidity Facilities OMO (Outright) Net Injection (+)/ Absorption (-)
Repo Reverse Repo Variable Rate Repo Variable Rate Reverse Repo MSF SDF Sale Purchase
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Aug. 12, 2024 - - - 42970 1236 69627 8 215 - -111568
Aug. 13, 2024 - - - 22505 2107 59451 -1424 165 - -81438
Aug. 14, 2024 - - - 30457 1204 47059 1410 100 - -75002
Aug. 15, 2024 - - - - 19 39799 - - - -39780
Aug. 16, 2024 - - - 93237 6960 67431 - 705 - -154413
Aug. 17, 2024 - - - - 6548 68029 - - - -61481
Aug. 18, 2024 - - - - 5563 62069 - - - -56506
SDF: Standing Deposit Facility; MSF: Marginal Standing Facility.

The above information can be accessed on Internet at

The concepts and methodologies for WSS are available in Handbook on WSS (

Time series data are available at

Ajit Prasad          
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2024-2025/962
