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Tenders Awarded

Tender numberRBI/HYDERABAD/HRMD/23/21-22/ET/359
Date of publication of NITDec 29, 2021
Nature of workEmpanelment of Car Rental / Hiring Agencies or Companies for providing Cars for the purpose of hiring cars on rental basis for the use of its Executives, Officers, Staff and authorised persons as and when required for use by Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad
Mode of tender enquiryOpen
Type of bidding (single/two bid system)Two bid system
Last date of receipt of tenderJan 27, 2022
Number of tenders received3 (Three)
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation 3 (Three)
1) M/s MM Travels
2) M/s Noori Travels
3) M/s Royal Travels
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation Nil
Commercial Bid Ranking, if any
Final Ranking, if any
Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/evaluated L1It is an empanelment of two or more vendors who agree for lowest quote.
Contract number and date1) HRMD(HYD)/S.3921/18.10.003/2021-22 March 21, 2022
2) HRMD(HYD)/S.3922/18.10.003/2021-22 March 21, 2022
3) HRMD(HYD)/S.3923/18.10.003/2021-22 March 21, 2022
Name of contractor1) M/s Noori Travels
2) M/s MM Travels
3) M/s Royal Travels
Value of contract₹40,00,000/- annually
Scheduled date of completion of supplies NA
Actual date of start of workApr 01, 2022
Actual date of completion of work NA
Reasons for delay, if anyNA