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The Advent of Modern Banking in India

1720 to 1850s

Established Failed (F) or Merged (M) Bank Place
1720 1770 Bank of Bombay Bombay
1770 F 1832 Bank of Hindostan Calcutta
1773 F 1775 General Bank of Bengal and Bihar Calcutta
1784 F 1791 Bengal Bank Calcutta
1786 F 1791 General Bank of India Calcutta
1788 Unknown The Carnatic Bank Unknown
1806 M 1920 Bank of Calcutta Bank of Bengal, 1808 Calcutta
1819 F 1828 The Commercial Bank Calcutta
1824 F 1829 The Calcutta Bank Calcutta
1828 Unknown Bank of India  
1829 F 1848 The Union Bank Calcutta
1833 Unknown The Government Savings Bank Calcutta
1833 F 1866 The Agra & United Service Bank Ltd. (Earlier The Agra Bank and later The Agra and Masterman's Bank, London) Agra
1835 F 1837 The Bank of Mirzapore Mirzapur
1836 Still Born Bank of India (London)  
1840 F 1859 North Western Bank of India Mussoorie
1840 M 1920 Bank of Bombay: Re-formed in 1868  
1841 1842 Bank of Asia London
1841 M 1849 The Bank of Ceylon (Taken over by the Oriental Banking Corporation) Colombo
1842 Still Born The East India Bank, London  
1842 F 1884 The Oriental Bank Corporation (Earlier, Bank of Western India) Bombay
1842 1863 The Agra Savings Fund Agra
1843 M 1920 Bank of Madras Madras
1844 Unknown Delhi Bank Corporation Ltd. Delhi
1844 F 1850 The Benares Bank Banaras
1844 F 1893 Simla Bank Ltd. Simla
1845 F 1866 The Commercial Bank of India Bombay
1845 F 1851 The Cownpore Bank Kanpur
1846 M 1862 Dacca Bank (merged into Bank of Bengal) Dacca
1846 F 1894 Uncovenanted Service Agra Bank Ltd.
1852 Still Born London Bank of Australia & India Agra
1852 F 1855 Chartered Bank of Asia London
1853   Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London & China London
1853   Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China London
1854 F 1857 The London and Eastern Banking Corp. London
1854   The Comptoir D'Escompte of Paris Paris
Sources: Cooke, Brunyate, Tandon, Maharashtra State Archives and RBI
