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Handbook of Statistics on Indian States
Mar 03, 2019
Handbook of Statistics on Indian States 2018-19
1851 kb
27 kb
83 kb
Table 1: State-wise Total Population
11 kb
84 kb
Table 2: State-wise Population in Rural Area
11 kb
85 kb
Table 3: State-wise Population in Urban Area
12 kb
85 kb
Table 4: State-wise Decadal Growth Rate of Population
10 kb
75 kb
Table 5: State-wise Sex Ratio
10 kb
75 kb
Table 6: State-wise Literacy Rate
11 kb
85 kb
Table 7: State-wise Density of Population
11 kb
76 kb
Table 8: State-wise Birth Rate
17 kb
89 kb
Table 9: State-wise Death Rate
17 kb
88 kb
Table 10: State-wise Infant Mortality Rate
14 kb
86 kb
Table 11: State-wise Life Expectancy
24 kb
94 kb
Table 12: State-wise Unemployment Rate: Usual Status (Adjusted) - Rural
14 kb
87 kb
Table 13: State-wise Unemployment Rate: Usual Status (Adjusted) - Urban
15 kb
87 kb
Table 14: State-wise Poverty Rate
13 kb
85 kb
Table 15: Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost (Current Prices)
26 kb
98 kb
Table 16: Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost (Constant Prices)
26 kb
98 kb
Table 17: Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost (Current Prices)
25 kb
99 kb
Table 18: Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost (Constant Prices)
25 kb
99 kb
Table 19: Net State Domestic Price at Factor Cost (Current Prices)
25 kb
99 kb
Table 20: Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost (Constant Prices)
25 kb
99 kb
Table 21: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Agriculture (Current Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 22: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Agriculture (Constant Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 23: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Agriculture (Current Prices)
25 kb
99 kb
Table 24: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Agriculture (Constant Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 25: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Manufacturing (Current Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 26: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Manufacturing (Constant Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 27: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Manufacturing (Current Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 28: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Manufacturing (Constant Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 29: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Construction (Current Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 30: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Construction (Constant Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 31: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Construction (Current Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 32: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Construction (Constant Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 33: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Industry (Current Prices)
26 kb
99 kb
Table 34: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Industry (Constant Prices)
25 kb
99 kb
Table 35: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Industry (Current Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 36: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Industry (Constant Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 37: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Banking and Insurance (Current Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 38: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Banking and Insurance (Constant Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 39: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Banking and Insurance (Current Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 40: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Banking and Insurance (Constant Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 41: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Services (Current Prices)
24 kb
99 kb
Table 42: Sectoral Gross State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Services (Constant Prices)
23 kb
99 kb
Table 43: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Services (Current Prices)
26 kb
99 kb
Table 44: Sectoral Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost - Services (Constant Prices)
25 kb
99 kb
Table 45: State-wise Pattern of Land Use - Gross Sown Area
17 kb
69 kb
Table 46: State-wise Pattern of Land Use - Net Sown Area
18 kb
69 kb
Table 47: State-wise Pattern of Land Use - Gross Irrigated Area
16 kb
68 kb
Table 48: State-wise Pattern of Land Use - Net Irrigated Area
16 kb
68 kb
Table 49: State-wise Pattern of Land Use - Cropping Intensity
17 kb
68 kb
Table 50: State-wise Production of Foodgrains - Rice
18 kb
69 kb
Table 51: State-wise Production of Foodgrains - Wheat
16 kb
67 kb
Table 52: State-wise Production of Foodgrains - Coarse Cereals
17 kb
69 kb
Table 53: State-wise Production of Foodgrains - Pulses
17 kb
69 kb
Table 54: State-wise Production of Foodgrains - Total Foodgrains
18 kb
70 kb
Table 55: State-wise Production of Non Foodgrains - Oilseeds
18 kb
69 kb
Table 56: State-wise Production of Non Foodgrains - Cotton (Lintt)
16 kb
67 kb
Table 57: State-wise Production of Non Foodgrains - Sugarcane
19 kb
69 kb
Table 58: State-wise Production of Non Foodgrains - Raw Jute & Mesta
15 kb
67 kb
Table 59: State-wise Area of Foodgrains - Rice
17 kb
69 kb
Table 60: State-wise Area of Foodgrains - Wheat
16 kb
68 kb
Table 61: State-wise Area of Foodgrains - Coarse Cereals
17 kb
69 kb
Table 62: State-wise Area of Foodgrains - Pulses
17 kb
69 kb
Table 63: State-wise Area of Foodgrains - Total Foodgrains
18 kb
69 kb
Table 64: State-wise Area of Fruits - Total Fruits
15 kb
65 kb
Table 65: State-wise Area of Vegetables - Total Vegetables
14 kb
65 kb
Table 66: State-wise Production of Fruits - Total Fruits
14 kb
66 kb
Table 67: State-wise Production of Vegetables - Total Vegetables
15 kb
67 kb
Table 68: State-wise Area of Non-Foodgrains - Oilseeds
20 kb
69 kb
Table 69: State-wise Area of Non-Foodgrains - Cotton (Lintt)
16 kb
67 kb
Table 70: State-wise Area of Non-Foodgrains - Sugarcane
16 kb
68 kb
Table 71: State-wise Area of Non-Foodgrains - Raw Jute & Mesta
13 kb
66 kb
Table 72: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Rice
16 kb
69 kb
Table 73: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Wheat
16 kb
68 kb
Table 74: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Coarse Cereals
17 kb
69 kb
Table 75: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Pulses
16 kb
68 kb
Table 76: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Total Foodgrains
17 kb
68 kb
Table 77: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Oilseeds
17 kb
68 kb
Table 78: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Cotton (Lintt)
14 kb
66 kb
Table 79: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Sugarcane
16 kb
69 kb
Table 80: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Raw Jute & Mesta
12 kb
66 kb
Table 81: State-wise Per Hectare Consumption of Fertiliser (N+P+K)
22 kb
70 kb
Table 82: State-wise Meat Production
16 kb
66 kb
Table 83: State-wise Milk Production
17 kb
67 kb
Table 84: State-wise Number of Factories
20 kb
91 kb
Table 85: State-wise Fixed Capital
22 kb
97 kb
Table 86: State-wise Working Capital
21 kb
97 kb
Table 87: State-wise Physical Working Capital
21 kb
96 kb
Table 88: State-wise Productive Capital
23 kb
97 kb
Table 89: State-wise Invested Capital
23 kb
97 kb
Table 90: State-wise Number of Workers
20 kb
92 kb
Table 91: State-wise Total Persons Engaged
20 kb
92 kb
Table 92: State-wise Total Emoluments
21 kb
96 kb
Table 93: State-wise Total Inputs
23 kb
97 kb
Table 94: State-wise Value of Gross Output
22 kb
97 kb
Table 95: State-wise Net Value Added
25 kb
97 kb
Table 96: State-wise Gross Value Added
25 kb
97 kb
Table 97: State-wise Net Fixed Capital Formation
22 kb
97 kb
Table 98: State-wise Gross Fixed Capital Formation
22 kb
97 kb
Table 99: State-wise Gross Capital Formation
22 kb
97 kb
Table 100: State-wise Number of Mandays - Workers
14 kb
67 kb
Table 101: State-wise Number of Employees
19 kb
72 kb
Table 102: State-wise Number of Mandays - Employees
20 kb
74 kb
Table 103: State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Number of Units
10 kb
77 kb
Table 104: State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Investments
11 kb
80 kb
Table 105: State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Production
10 kb
82 kb
Table 106: State-wise Medium & Small Scale Industries - Total Employment
10 kb
77 kb
Table 107: State-wise Per Capita Availability of Power
15 kb
67 kb
Table 108: State-wise Availability of Power
14 kb
87 kb
Table 109: State-wise Installed Capacity of Power
14 kb
67 kb
Table 110: State-wise Power Requirement
16 kb
87 kb
Table 111: State-wise Length of National Highways
13 kb
66 kb
Table 112: State-wise Railway Route
12 kb
64 kb
Table 113: State-wise Length of Roads
16 kb
67 kb
Table 114: State-wise Length of State Highways
14 kb
65 kb
Table 115: State-wise Ease of Doing Business Rank
11 kb
54 kb
Table 116: State-wise Electricity Transmission & Distribution Losses
14 kb
67 kb
Table 117: State-wise Telephones per 100 Population
15 kb
67 kb
Table 118: State-wise Health Infrastructure - Doctors and Specialists
16 kb
89 kb
Table 119: State-wise Distribution of Offices of Scheduled Commercial Banks
18 kb
92 kb
Table 120: State-wise Credit Deposit Ratio of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Place of Sanction
20 kb
93 kb
Table 121: State-wise Credit Deposit Ratio of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Place of Utilisation
22 kb
93 kb
Table 122: State-wise Deposits by Scheduled Commercial Banks in India
21 kb
95 kb
Table 123: State-wise Credit by Scheduled Commercial Banks in India
20 kb
95 kb
Table 124: State-wise Credit to Agriculture by Scheduled Commercial Banks
18 kb
94 kb
Table 125: State-wise Credit to Industry by Scheduled Commercial Banks
18 kb
95 kb
Table 126: State-wise Personal Loans by Scheduled Commercial Banks
18 kb
95 kb
Table 127: State-wise Deposits of Regional Rural Banks
18 kb
95 kb
Table 128: State-wise Credit of Regional Rural Banks
18 kb
95 kb
Table 129: State-wise Credit-Deposit Ratio of Regional Rural Banks
21 kb
92 kb
Table 130: State-wise Number of Branches of Regional Rural Banks
19 kb
90 kb
Table 131: State-wise Gross Fiscal Deficit
22 kb
94 kb
Table 132: State-wise Revenue Deficit
20 kb
94 kb
Table 133: State-wise Primary Deficit
18 kb
94 kb
Table 134: State-wise Own Tax Revenue
19 kb
94 kb
Table 135: State-wise Own Non-Tax Revenue
18 kb
94 kb
Table 136: State-wise Interest Payments
17 kb
96 kb
Table 137: State-wise Pension
17 kb
96 kb
Table 138: State-wise Capital Expenditure
19 kb
96 kb
Table 139: State-wise Capital Outlay
21 kb
96 kb
Table 140: State-wise Social Sector Expenditure
20 kb
96 kb
Table 141: State-wise Composition of Outstanding Liabilities
211 kb
285 kb
Notes on Tables
192 kb