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Directory of Bank Offices

About The Directory

Reserve Bank of India collects data/information from various bank offices in respect of a number of banking parameters through periodical returns/ statements. For processing these data in the computer system, it is necessary to keep an identity of the source of data. This is done by allotting unique code numbers (named as Uniform Code Number) to all the bank offices. Evolving a code numbering system that could be uniformly used in all returns, for submission by bank branches/offices to RBI, was considered in late sixties by Reserve Bank of India and put in place initially for commercial banks in 1972. Similarly, allotment of Uniform Code Number to all the co-operative credit institutions and state financial corporations, which participated in the Lead Bank Scheme, was attempted in 1982.

The Uniform codes along with other particulars of each and every branch/office of banks are maintained in the computer system in the Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services in the form of Master Office File (MOF). Detailed information on branches/offices of banks are regularly collected in the prescribed proformae viz., Proforma-I and Proforma-II (specimen of Proforame-I and II are provided at the end of this Section). Details of new branches/offices opened in banked/unbanked centres such as date of opening of branch/office, name and address of branch/office, other location details, population of centre, nature of business activity pursued and a host of auxiliary information such as AD category, currency chest detail, status of computerisation, etc., are reported through Proforma-I.

The information on relocation/ closure/ merger/ conversion of a bank branch/office, change of branch name/AD category/nature of business activity/change of any auxiliary information are collected through Proforma II. These particulars of branches/offices along with Part-I and Part-II of Uniform Code Number of 7 digits each, assigned by DESACS, are maintained in the MOF. As opening of new bank branches, closure/relocation, etc., of existing branches, formation/reorganisation of new/existing districts, etc., are on-going processes and updation of MOF is also accordingly carried out. MOF updation also relies on decennial population census data and government gazette notification on merger/ reorganisation of centres, districts, etc.

Comprehensive and updated list of branches of banks available from MOF constitutes the frame of various Basic Statistical Return (BSR) surveys, other bank related surveys and various foreign exchange related returns received in DESACS. MOF based summarised data are regularly published in Branch Banking Statistics (latest: third Volume as on 31st March 2002, released in March 2003), Statistical Tables Relating to Banks in India, Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy, Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India, etc. MOF is the only official and reliable source of branch banking information.
