Form I- Declaration to be submitted by the Sponsor (to the ARC) (Information to be furnished by an Asset Reconstruction company for obtaining prior approval of Reserve Bank of India for any substantial change in its management by way of transfer of shares/ Declarations to be submitted by Sponsors/ ARCs) | 22 kb | 375 kb |
Form II- Information to be furnished to the Reserve Bank by the Asset Reconstruction company while forwarding the application for seeking prior approval of Sponsors (Information to be furnished by an Asset Reconstruction company for obtaining prior approval of Reserve Bank of India for any substantial change in its management by way of transfer of shares/ Declarations to be submitted by Sponsors/ ARCs) | 17 kb | 76 kb |
Form III- Annual declaration (as on March 31 every year) to be furnished by ARCs to Reserve Bank of India on the changes in the status of the sponsor (Information to be furnished by an Asset Reconstruction company for obtaining prior approval of Reserve Bank of India for any substantial change in its management by way of transfer of shares/ Declarations to be submitted by Sponsors/ ARCs) | 18 kb | 6 kb |
Annex-VI(a)- Information about the proposed Promoters/ Directors/ Shareholders of the company (Information to be furnished by a housing finance company for obtaining prior approval of Reserve Bank of India for change in its shareholding) | 55 kb | 188 kb |
Annex-VI(b)- Information about Corporate Promoter (Information to be furnished by a housing finance company for obtaining prior approval of Reserve Bank of India for change in its shareholding) | 16 kb | 180 kb |
Format of authority of the institution in the premises of which the extension counter is to be opened | 38 kb | 9 kb |
Reporting Format for the Issue and Operations of ATM-Cum-Debit Cards | 33 kb | 7 kb |
Report on shifting of an office by an Urban Cooperative bank in cases where prior Permission of Reserve Bank of India is not required | 48 kb | 14 kb |
Information to be furnished by an urban cooperative bank for obtaining prior approval of Reserve Bank of India for shifting its office/departments to a different locality/Municipal Ward | 54 kb | 17 kb |
Information to be furnished by urban co operative banks classified | 94 kb | 19 kb |
Annual Business Plan - Annex III A Plan of action for opening branches | 26 kb | 45 kb |
Annual Business Plan - Annex III B Plan of action for opening Off Site ATMs | 26 kb | 44 kb |
Annual Business Plan - Annex I - Profile of the bank | 37 kb | 58 kb |
Annual Business Plan - Annex II - Financial Position as per audited balance sheet (latest) | 39 kb | 61 kb |
Annual Business Plan - Annex IV Information to be submitted along with Annual Business Plan | 35 kb | 8 kb |
FX Swap bid details format | 10 kb | 341 kb |
Application-cum-Declaration form for bidding in the USD/INR Swap auction | 49 kb | 437 kb |
Standard Settlement Instruction format | 12 kb | 54 kb |
OMO Purchase and Sale of Government Securities | 17 kb | 131 kb |
Application format for submission of bids in auctions by market participants | 18 kb | 244 kb |
West Bengal Government Stock 2019 - format for premature redemption | 28 kb | 12 kb |
Application form for registration as a Core Investment Company (CIC) (For online registration, visit https://pravaah.rbi.org.in) | 269 kb | 396 kb |
Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) Registration Form (For online registration, visit https://pravaah.rbi.org.in) | 195 kb | 285 kb |
Application for Certificate of Registration to commence the business of an Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC) (For online registration, visit https://pravaah.rbi.org.in) | 49 kb | 240 kb |
Form of application for recognition as SRO for NBFCs | 40 kb | 267 kb |
Documents required for registration as Core Investment Company | 65 kb | 31 kb |
Application for voluntary surrender of Certificate of Registration (CoR) | 25 kb | 154 kb |
Documents required for registration as NBFC-P2P | 15 kb | 11 kb |
Documents required for registration of NBFC – Factors | 55 kb | 24 kb |
Documents required for registration as an IDF-NBFC | 55 kb | 24 kb |
Documents required for registration as NBFCs | 55 kb | 24 kb |
Documents required for registration of NBFC-MFI – New Companies | 55 kb | 24 kb |
Documents required for registration as an Infrastruture Finance company | 68 kb | 101 kb |
Form - Schedule 'A' | 115 kb | 229 kb |
Special Return (Please see letter DNBS(PD)CC. No. 8/02.01/98-99 dated January, 1999) (To be submitted by all NBFCs whether holding public deposits or not) | 31 kb | 61 kb |
CEO and SA certificate for NBS 7 | 26 kb | 59 kb |
Quarterly Return I | 37 kb | 14 kb |
CA certificate for NBS 4 | 22 kb | 104 kb |
CEO and CA certificate for NBS 2 | 27 kb | 60 kb |
Mortgage Guarantee Company | 151 kb | 151 kb |
Documents required for registration of NBFC-MFI (Existing NBFCs) | 80 kb | 123 kb |
Application Form for Recognition as SRO in the Fintech Sector | 26 kb | 126 kb |
Application for credit of ₹2000 banknotes into bank account | 17 kb | 151 kb |
Regulatory Sandbox Application Form | 89 kb | 344 kb |
Application for authorisation for setting up a payment system (Additional Required Information) | 45 kb | 87 kb |
Annex 1 ‘Declaration and Undertaking’ by a proposed Director/ MD & CEO/ CEO | 58 kb | 215 kb |
Form A Application for the approval of Reserve Bank of India to an amendment of a provision relating to the appointment/ re-appointment/ remuneration, etc., of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) or any other Director or termination of appointment of a Director | 50 kb | 108 kb |
Form B Application for the approval of Reserve Bank of India to the appointment/re-appointment of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) / whole-time Directors / CEO / part-time Chairperson | 53 kb | 141 kb |
Appendix 1 Details of Remuneration/Compensation of the Whole Time Director/Chief Executive Officer | 20 kb | 144 kb |
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB) 2022-23 - Series III and IV | | 1725 kb |
Format for Information to be provided by foreign banks desirous of establishing presence in India | 23 kb | 140 kb |
Application for Registration for grant of financial assistance from the Depositor Education and Awareness Fund, Reserve Bank of India | 77 kb | 145 kb |
Proforma for online reporting of opening closure merger shifting conversion change in status of BOs and offices | 134 kb | 374 kb |
Form III of application for a licence to commence banking business by a company incorporated in India and desiring to commence banking business | 38 kb | 23 kb |
Application form for Inflation Indexed National Savings Security – Cumulative (IINSS-C) | 131 kb | 288 kb |
Form VI Form for application for permission to open a new place of business or change the location of the existing place of business under Sec. 23 of B R Act, 1949 Banking Regulation Companies Rules. | 27 kb | 58 kb |
Form III : Quarterly Report on Frauds outstanding | 32 kb | 8 kb |
Computerisation in Banks | |
LEC (NRIs) - (Statement showing company-wise details of total purchases and sales of quity shares/convertible debentures made through designated branches of ADs under Portfolio Investment Scheme on behalf of their NRI/OCB clients) | 50 kb | 11 kb |
TRS - (Application for release of exchange for studies abroad) | 25 kb | 7 kb |
Format for claiming reimbursement for exports to Russia | 26 kb | 8 kb |
MRR (Declaration to be completed by Indian reproducer for remittance of royalty on copyright music reproduced in India) | 29 kb | 8 kb |
FLM 8 - Summary statement of purchases from and sales to public of foreign currency notes | 37 kb | 6 kb |
FC (RBI) | 24 kb | 4 kb |
MAP (Statement Regarding Maturity and Position) | 88 kb | 28 kb |
SIR (Statement Regarding Interest Rate Sensitivity) | 32 kb | 16 kb |
BCX (Certificate of Export) | 24 kb | 5 kb |
ENC (Statement of Export Bills negotiated/sent for collection during fortnightly period) | 80 kb | 7 kb |
Supplementary statement of Non-Export Receipt equivalent of Rs.1,00,000/- and above | 61 kb | 5 kb |
SCH-3 (Schedule giving particulars of GR/PP/SOFTEX forms where full payment has been received) | 34 kb | 6 kb |
SCH-4 (Schedule giving particulars of GR/PP/SOFTEX forms where part payment has been received) | 34 kb | 6 kb |
SCH-5 (Schedule giving details of full export proceeds received in advance) | 34 kb | 6 kb |
SCH-6 (Schedule giving details of part export proceeds received in advance) | 34 kb | 6 kb |
FLM 8 (Summary statement of purchases from and sales to public of foreign currency notes) | 23 kb | 5 kb |
Currency Declaration Form (CDF) | 24 kb | 7 kb |
ECB 6 (Application for permission to raise External Commercial Borrowings under USD 5 million Scheme/ USD10 million Scheme) | 42 kb | 25 kb |
REM (Application by resident Indian nationals for remittances to persons resident outside India towards their maintenance expenses abroad) | 48 kb | 5 kb |
TRM 1 (Application for release of exchange for medical treatment abroad) | 48 kb | 9 kb |
TRM 2 (Form of certificate to be issued by a medical practitioner nominated by Indian mission etc. abroad) | 20 kb | 3 kb |
SDF [See rule 6 (1) (a) ] | 34 kb | 5 kb |
For Authorised Dealer's Use | 42 kb | 7 kb |
Software Export Declaration (SOFTEX) Form - Original | 32 kb | 11 kb |
Software Export Declaration (SOFTEX) Form - Triplicate | 32 kb | 10 kb |
Application for release of exchange for studies abroad (Form TRS) | 38 kb | 9 kb |
Application form for FRSB | 42 kb | 206 kb |
Nomination form for FRSB | 16 kb | 90 kb |
Form A - Application Form for 8% Savings Bonds, 2002 | 224 kb | 41 kb |
Form B - 8% Savings Bonds, 2002 - Form of Nomination | 40 kb | 9 kb |
Form C - 8% Savings Bonds, 2002 - Notice of Cancellation of Nomination | 36 kb | 3 kb |
Banking Services Price Index | 29 kb | 166 kb |
Services & Infrastructure Outlook Survey (SIOS): January-March 2025 (Round 44) | 72 kb | 379 kb |
Quarterly Industrial Outlook Survey (IOS): January-March 2025 (Round 109) | 61 kb | 262 kb |
Quarterly Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey(October – December 2024 quarter: Round 68) | 79 kb | 187 kb |
Inflation Expectations Survey of Households | 51 kb | 228 kb |
Consumer Confidence Survey | 114 kb | 180 kb |
Co-ordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) for Non-Financial Companies, Non-Banking Financial Companies and Insurance Companies for end-September 2024 | 1690 kb | 930 kb |
Co-ordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) for Mutual Fund Companies for end-September 2024 | 240 kb | 824 kb |
Co-ordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) for Banks for end-September 2024 | 92 kb | 935 kb |
International Trade in Banking Services (ITBS) 2023-24 | 417 kb | 947 kb |
Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) | 31 kb | 147 kb |
Computer Software and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Exports for 2023-24 | 318 kb | 872 kb |
Schedule 4: Survey of Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Mutual Fund Companies – 2023-24 round | 410 kb | 1088 kb |
Survey on Foreign Collaboration in Indian Industry - April - March: 2021-22 to 2022-23 | 671 kb | 1620 kb |
Survey on Retail Payment Habits of Individuals (SRPHi) | 174 kb | 140 kb |
Survey on Indian Startup Sector (SISS) | 59 kb | 141 kb |