Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS)
Under the Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS) of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), central banks undertake the responsibility of disseminating information
under certain data categories, such as, analytical accounts of the banking sector,
analytical accounts of the central bank, balance of payments, international reserves
and exchange rates. The IMF requires that these data should be available at regular
intervals in public domain.
The IMF as well as central banks also provides a National Summary Data Page (NSDP)
on their websites to provide quick access to a single comprehensive source of economic
and financial data consistent with the data categories and components described
in the subscriber's metadata. Additionally, many of the NSDPs include further links
to additional data or information on other national Internet data sites.
The Reserve Bank of India is one of the earliest central bank signatories of SDDS.
This section provides the data released by the Reserve Bank of India under SDDS
National Summary Data Page