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Annual Report

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Aug 30, 2004
Summary of the Annual Report of RBI for the year ended June 2004 (Part 1 of 2)  155 kb
Summary of the Annual Report of RBI for the year ended June 2004 (Part 2 of 2)  754 kb
Annual Report 2003-2004  182 kb
Central Board / Local Boards  28 kb
Principal Officers  9 kb
Part I : The Economy : Review and Prospects
I. Macroeconomic Policy Environment  9 kb
II. The Real Economy   122 kb
III. Money, Credit and Prices   181 kb
IV. Government Finances   143 kb
V. Financial Markets   137 kb
VI. External Sector   189 kb
VII. Assessment and Prospects   69 kb
Part II : The Working and Operations of The Reserve Bank of India
VIII. Monetary and Credit Policy Operations   69 kb
IX. Development and Regulation of Financial Markets  54 kb
X. Financial Regulation and Supervision   107 kb
XI. Public Dept Management   101 kb
XII. Currency Management  45 kb
XIII. Payment and Settlement Systems and Information Technology  51 kb
XIV. Human Resources Development and Organisational Matters  76 kb
XV.The Reserve Bank's Accounts for 2003-04  50 kb
Annexure: Chronology of Major Policy Announcements: April 2003 - July 2004 (Part 1 of 2)   59 kb
Annexure: Chronology of Major Policy Announcements: April 2003 - July 2004 (Part 2 of 2)   69 kb
I. Macroeconomic Policy Environment
Appendix Table I.1 : Select Macroeconomic and Financial Indicators  8 kb
Appendix Table I.2 : Interest Rate Structure of Scheduled Commercial Banks  7 kb
Appendix Table I.3 : Interest Rates on Export Credit  9 kb
II. The Real Economy
Appendix Table II.1 : Growth Rates and Sectoral Composition of Real Gross Domestic Product (At 1993-94 Prices)  6 kb
Appendix Table II.2 : Quarterly Growth Rates and Sectoral Composition of Real Gross Domestic Product (At 1993-94 Prices)   8 kb
Appendix Table II. 3 : Agricultural Production  5 kb
Appendix Table II.4 : Procurement, Off-Take and Stocks of Foodgrains  4 kb
Appendix Table II 5 : Trends in Index of Industrial Production (Base : 1993-94=100)  5 kb
Appendix Table II.6 : Growth in Index of Seventeen Major Industry Groups of Manufacturing Sector (Base : 1993-94 = 100)  6 kb
Appendix Table II.7 : Frequency Distribution of Growth Rates of Seventeen Major Industry Groups of Manufacturing Sector - 1998-99 to 2002-03  5 kb
Appendix Table II.8 : Use-Based Classification of Industrial Production (Base : 1993-94=100)  5 kb
Appendix Table II.9 : Growth of Six Infrastructure Industries (Base : 1993-94=100)  4 kb
Appendix Table II 10 : Gross Domestic Saving and Investment  4 kb
Appendix Table II.11 : Financial Saving of The Household Sector (Gross)(Percentage Distribution)  5 kb
III. Money, Credit and Prices
Appendix Table III.1 : Variations in Reserve Money  6 kb
Appendix Table III.3 : Variations in Money Stock  9 kb
Appendix Table III.2 : Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Survey  9 kb
Appendix Table III.4 : New Monetary Aggregates  9 kb
Appendix Table III.5 : Liquidity Aggregates (Outstanding Amounts)  9 kb
Appendix Table III.6 : Important Banking Indicators - Scheduled Commercial Banks  6 kb
Appendix Table III.7 : Commercial Bank Survey  9 kb
Appendix Table III.8 : Sectoral Deployment of Gross Bank Credit  6 kb
Appendix Table III.9 : Industry-Wise Deployment of Gross Bank Credit  6 kb
Appendix Table III.10 : Resereve Bank's Accomodation For Scheduled Commercial Banks  5 kb
Appendix Table III.11 : Variations in Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices  8 kb
Appendix Table III.12 : Variations in Wholesale Prices - Weighted Contributions  8 kb
Appendix Table III.13 : Annualised Variations in Price Indices (Point-to-Point Basis)  5 kb
IV. Government Finances
Appendix Table IV.1 : Measures of Deficit of The Central Government  7 kb
Appendix Table IV.2 : Major Items of Receipts and Expenditures of The Central Government  8 kb
Appendix Table IV.3 : Direct and Indirect Tax Revenues of The Central and State Governments  6 kb
Appendix Table IV.4 : Financing of Gross Fiscal Deficit of The Central Government  6 kb
Appendix Table IV.5 : Budgetary Operations of State Governments  6 kb
Appendix Table IV.6 : Combined Receipts and Disbursements of The Central and State Governments  10 kb
Appendix Table IV.7 : Outstanding Liabilities of The Central Government  4 kb
Appendix Table IV.8 : Financing of State Governments' Gross Fiscal Deficit  5 kb
Appendix Table IV.9 : Market Borrowings of Central and State Governments and their Sponsored Institutions  10 kb
V. Financial Markets
Appendix Table V.1 : Repo / Reverse Repo Auctions Under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (Part 1 of 2)   17 kb
Appendix Table V.1 : Repo / Reverse Repo Auctions Under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (Part 2 of 2)   27 kb
Appendix Table V.2 : Issue of Certificates of Deposit by Scheduled Commercial Banks  7 kb
Appendix Table V.3 : Commercial Paper  5 kb
Appendix Table V.4 : Inter-Bank and Merchant Transactions in The Foreign Exchange Market  5 kb
Appendix Table V.5 : A Profile of Central Government Dated Securities  5 kb
Appendix Table V.6 : Secondary Market Transactions in Government Securities  8 kb
Appendix Table V.7 : Issues of Central Government Dated Securities  11 kb
Appendix Table V.8 : Profile of Treasury Bills  4 kb
Appendix Table V.9 : New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies  5 kb
Appendix Table V.10 : Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by Financial Institutions  6 kb
Appendix Table V.11 : Trends In Domestic Stock Indices  6 kb
Appendix Table V.12 : Major IndicatorsOf Domestic Equity Markets  5 kb
Appendix Table V.13 : Turnover In The Equity Derivatives Market  6 kb
VI. External Sector
Appendix Table VI.1 : Select Economic Indicators - World  8 kb
Appendix Table VI.2 : India's Overall Balance Of Payments  8 kb
Appendix Table VI.3 : India's Foreign Trade  5 kb
Appendix Table VI.4 : India's Exports of Principal Commodities  9 kb
Appendix Table VI.5 : India's Imports of Principal Commodities  10 kb
Appendix Table VI.6 : Invisibles by Category of Transactions  5 kb
Appendix Table VI.7 : Composition of Capital Inflows  6 kb
Appendix Table VI.8 : External Assistance  4 kb
Appendix Table VI.9 : India's Foreign Exchange Reserves  8 kb
Appendix Table VI.10 : India's External Debt  10 kb
Appendix Table VI.11: Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) of The Indian Rupee  5 kb
Balance Sheet As At 30th June 2004  27 kb
List Of Abbreviations  28 kb
